Workshop on

Models and Images for Porous Media
Paris,  January 12-16, 2009

Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints-Pères 75006 Paris 



Scientific Committee

Organizing Committee

Plenary Sessions

Invited Sessions

Poster Session





The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers concerned with the studying, modelling, and imaging of porous media and their applications.

Experts from different areas, from mathematics to physics and medicine, are invited.

The topics will cover various aspects of porous media from mathematical models (random fields, morphology, fractals, etc) to practical applications (osteoporosis, mammograms, cements, etc).

There will be tutorial lectures in the morning, invited sessions in the afternoon and a poster session will be organized.

The workshop is organized as part of the project ANR-05-BLAN-0017 "mipomodim".

All the sessions will take place in the "Centre des Saints-Pères" building of the University Paris Descartes, on the third floor (Lavoisier rooms).

NEW!  Here 
and here are the photos of all participants. To go to a secured section for pictures of all social events, please click here. Some of the presentation files are available on the pages devoted to plenary, invited and poster sessions.

A promotional poster of the workshop is available here

The book of abstracts is available here.